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Floodgate Docs

About Environments

Environments allow you to organize your application into separate units, each unit having its own copy of a feature flag. An environment allows you to manage the state of your flags throughout the development lifecycle. Most of the time your environments in Floodgate will be the same as the environments in your infrastructure that your application is delivered to. For example, Development, QA and Production. You can even create individual environments for each developer in your team allowing them to work independently when necessary.

You can create as many environments as you need in your applications, though the number is limited to the subscription plan you are currently on.

Getting Started

When you signed up for Floodgate an application was created for you along with 2 environments, Production and Test. Each environment is created with a unique key called the SDK Key. This key is what allows the Floodgate SDKs to communicate with the correct configuration data on the Floodgate servers.

As your application is deployed between environments, the SDK Key the application uses will change. This means the flag configuration your application is using can be different for each environment.


Your SDK Key should not be hard coded in your application and should be loaded in at runtime from environment variables for example.

You can switch between environments in your application by clicking on the environment name from the main navigation on the left.