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Floodgate Docs

Creating New Applications

To create an application in Floodgate you need to be the account owner or be assigned the Administrator role

  1. Navigate to Account Settings page from the main navigation menu.
  2. Select Applications from the sub menu.
  3. Click the Create Application button top right.
  4. On the Create new Application page enter a name for the application. It’s a good idea to name your applications after the applications/projects you are working on in the real-world.
  5. By default a new environment called Production will be created for you, however you can change this name by entering another name in the Environment textbox.
  6. Enter a description for the application if required.
  7. To create the application click Save.

Application Permissions

You can restrict who has access to the application by assigning the relevant team members permissions on the Team Members Permission page. By default new applications are not accessible by anyone other than the account Owner and Administrators.